AKS现在大涨10%,到了5.8元,可以全部卖了!这是传言川普要开征倾销税,但俺认为不会在最近几日或几周内实行! (谈股论金) 306次阅读
观看【雅歌】的博客February 14, 2018 10:30 AM ET (BZ Newswire) -- Analyst Color
President Trump on Tuesday said he is considering a number of options for actions he could take to improve the struggling U.S. steel market, including imposing tariffs or quotas on imported steel. Trump said the U.S. steel industry is getting “decimated by dumping” of foreign steel into the market.
"I look at it two ways: I want to keep prices down, but I also want to make sure that we have a steel industry and an aluminum industry, and we do need that for national defense," Trump said.
Trump has ordered an investigation into the potential risk that U.S. steel imports pose to national security, the groundwork for him potentially using his Section 232 powers to restrict steel imports. In January, Trump made a similar decision to implement a 30 percent tariff on imported solar panels.
- 2/16/2018 聊天室。可以任意发表评论,建议OK - 提交和聊天。也可以在这里提出关于股票的问题,为了方便大家容易集焦在当天股市的交易,其中重要的股票操作建议,会转到上面置顶区里。 - 新东, 2018-02-15
- 沙发 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-15
- 大家都去抢红包了,我来坐沙发 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-15
- 挤挤,谢谢。秋凉给老师,班长和各位老少姐们兄弟拜年啦。祝各位阖家安康,2018心想事成。 - 秋凉, 2018-02-15
- 新年沙发够长,挤挤可以吗? - 寸草心, 2018-02-16
- 大家都去抢红包了,我来坐沙发 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-15
- 2/15: 更新,目前是实验性质,欢迎反馈 - caap2008, 2018-02-15
- 祝雅歌老师、东东、海鸟、墨墨、Maple美妹以及所有的栈友们新年快乐!吉祥安康!账户大涨!人旺家旺事业旺! - 芳草茵茵, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-16
- + 1 - 我为诗歌狂, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Xiaocao2017, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 牙牙, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 新东, 2018-02-16
- +1 - cat, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 每天开心, 2018-02-16
- +1 - PSeller, 2018-02-16
- +1 - leilei, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 雪绒花, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 兔子, 2018-02-16
- +1 - LRH, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 寸草心, 2018-02-16
- +1 - jiajia, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 新生2018, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Qiuqiudou, 2018-02-16
- +1 - BLUESKY8, 2018-02-16
- +1 - always55, 2018-02-16
- +11 - 路过停留, 2018-02-16
- +111 - Tony, 2018-02-16
- +1 - SunnyDay, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 小学生, 2018-02-16
- +1. - hummingbird3, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 芳华萱, 2018-02-16
- +1 - tomatolover, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 愿来如彼, 2018-02-16
- +1 - zwbbb, 2018-02-16
- +1 - yyxx, 2018-02-16
- +1 - smart, 2018-02-16
- +1 - lin61386, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Dandelion, 2018-02-16
- +1 - -非圣-, 2018-02-16
- +1 - vj, 2018-02-16
- +1 - cat13cat, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 立秋, 2018-02-16
- +1 - littlebear, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Boars, 2018-02-16
- +1 - xlingy, 2018-02-16
- +1 - zhucetaimafan, 2018-02-16
- +1 - greatlake6, 2018-02-16
- 十l - AD1919, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 宝宝开心, 2018-02-16
- +100 - 长青, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Hillman, 2018-02-16
- +1! - 简约, 2018-02-16
- +12 - sunrise2017, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 玉海, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 夕阳红枫, 2018-02-16
- +1,祝大家新年快樂! - 顺其自然, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 大笨蛋, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 慢三步, 2018-02-16
- +1 - goofy, 2018-02-16
- ㊗️老师新年快乐!!!㊗️大家都发财 !!! - lazyalex, 2018-02-16
- +1! - 望闻问切, 2018-02-19
- +1 - stone, 2018-02-16
- +1 - kmhq178, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 阳光, 2018-02-16
- +1 - casunny168, 2018-02-16
- ++1000 - merycl, 2018-02-16
- +1 - sva2017, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Wuhong, 2018-02-16
- +1 - kllg, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Mover, 2018-02-16
- +1! - 望闻问切, 2018-02-16
- +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 - HJF-slzw, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 无语, 2018-02-16
- +1 - SWlake, 2018-02-16
- +1 - Rio2016, 2018-02-16
- 旺旺旺! - jc23, 2018-02-16
- +1 - kjamesnz, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 齐冀, 2018-02-16
- +1 - cymbidium, 2018-02-16
- +1 - haoqi, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 开心果er, 2018-02-16
- 1 - shur, 2018-02-20
- + - caap2008, 2018-02-16
- +1 - 天地行者, 2018-02-17
- +1 - lazyalex, 2018-02-17
- +1 - wind7117, 2018-02-20
- 1 - shur, 2018-02-20
- +1 - jack393, 2018-02-20
- 十100 - Newbie1998, 2018-02-20
- +1 - greatlake6, 2018-02-21
- NFLX 可以在280.2-281.5元做空,2个月内的目标是210-230元。 - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢提示! - 绿茶, 2018-02-17
- AAPL173.5-174元可以做空,短期1个月的目标是156-160元。AAPL据说拥有债卷约1530亿美元,美政府债卷收益率上升,各种债卷的价格会下跌,AAPL拥有的债卷价值也会跟着大减。若是年底前,AAPL要缴海外盈利15.5%, 相当于约350亿美元的税,可能必须卖掉部分的债卷,加大债卷价格的下跌。 - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢老师 - babyfatface, 2018-02-16
- 先生提到股市近期可能暴跌,是否可买sqqq?谢谢! - algo, 2018-02-16
- 现在可以买SQQQ! - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 加拿大的REIT股票, 比如DRG-UN.TO,高分红,现在可以买入长持吗? - 淡淡的天空, 2018-02-16
- 为何Abab,jd and bzun都在跌? - 黑白芝麻, 2018-02-16
- 老师AKS是不是有10%以上就可以先出掉了,防止股市下跌? - hunt@higher, 2018-02-16
- AKS是不是squeeze了?做空的人太多了? - icom, 2018-02-16
- 先全部卖了,在5.8元! - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- sign, 卖的太早了! - mwblsz, 2018-02-16
- AKS是不是squeeze了?做空的人太多了? - icom, 2018-02-16
- AKS现在大涨10%,到了5.8元,可以全部卖了!这是传言川普要开征倾销税,但俺认为不会在最近几日或几周内实行! - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢老师,已经全部止盈! - hunt@higher, 2018-02-16
- 今天商务部建议对全部进口钢铁价格开征24%的倾销税,对中国,越南,韩国等12国开征53%的倾销税。
川普若实施,会引发贸易战。是全球包括欧盟,日本,中国,印度与亚洲各国对美国的贸易战,美国会被孤立。美国在WTO里不会得到支持,会被判违规。美国除非退出WTO,否则WTO会允许各国对美国进口商品采取对等的贸易制裁!比如对美国的农产品,美国的汽车,甚至美国的客机等商品,开征同样的倾销税!。 - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- An exchange-traded fund tracking metal and mining companies rallied on Friday, after the Commerce Department recommended tariffs on major metal imports. The SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF (XME) jumped 3.1% and extended its advance throughout the trading day. Thus far this week, it is up 12%, which is set to be its biggest one-week percentage gain since March 2016 . The U.S. Commerce Department has recommended a 24% tariff (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/commerce-department-recommends-24-tariff-on-steel-imports-as-it-lays-out-options-for-trump-2018-02-16) on steel imports from all countries, and a 7.7% tariff on aluminum imports, among other options. President Donald Trump is required to make decisions on the recommendations in April. Among specific stocks, United States Steel Corp. (X) surged 11% while AK Steel Holding Corp. (AKS) advanced 11.5%. Nucor Corp. (NUE) was 4.8% higher on the day, while aluminum maker Alcoa Corp. (AA) was up 3.4%. The Dow Jones I - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢 - 绿茶, 2018-02-17
- 谢谢老师! - 望闻问切, 2018-02-16
- An exchange-traded fund tracking metal and mining companies rallied on Friday, after the Commerce Department recommended tariffs on major metal imports. The SPDR S&P Metals & Mining ETF (XME) jumped 3.1% and extended its advance throughout the trading day. Thus far this week, it is up 12%, which is set to be its biggest one-week percentage gain since March 2016 . The U.S. Commerce Department has recommended a 24% tariff (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/commerce-department-recommends-24-tariff-on-steel-imports-as-it-lays-out-options-for-trump-2018-02-16) on steel imports from all countries, and a 7.7% tariff on aluminum imports, among other options. President Donald Trump is required to make decisions on the recommendations in April. Among specific stocks, United States Steel Corp. (X) surged 11% while AK Steel Holding Corp. (AKS) advanced 11.5%. Nucor Corp. (NUE) was 4.8% higher on the day, while aluminum maker Alcoa Corp. (AA) was up 3.4%. The Dow Jones I - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢老师,全卖了!前几天出了一半,卖早了,剩下的一半拿到了今天全出了。 - icom, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢老师。大年初一就赚钱了,开心! - Vestalbm, 2018-02-16
- 俺认为可以做空AKS短炒,在5.83-5.9元做空,停损6。02元。利多消息已出尽,实行还不确定,最快也要到4月份!目标是5.1-5.26元! - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢 - Rosemary, 2018-02-19
- 谢谢,已全出 - 三两, 2018-02-16
- 没想到长这么快 卖了一半。剩下一半用了trailing stop loss。感谢老师指导 - smart, 2018-02-16
- 国内的朋友想做Silver的期权,问在哪里开户,期权我是一点儿也不懂,只好在这里求教老师和各位同学,谢谢啦! - 北极熊熊, 2018-02-16
- 老师CHAD是拿着还是止损? - goofy, 2018-02-16
- CHAD拿着。春节过后,中国股市可能大跌!川普政府放出去的信息是贸易战! - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢老师 - goofy, 2018-02-16
- 老师,JD 要怎样做? - JN1991, 2018-02-16
- CHAD拿着。春节过后,中国股市可能大跌!川普政府放出去的信息是贸易战! - 雅歌, 2018-02-16
- 给老师和栈友们拜年了! - 望闻问切, 2018-02-16
- 谢谢 - babyfatface, 2018-02-19
- 沙发 - 卫嘴子, 2018-02-15