Uber Burned Through Almost As Much Money As NASA Last Quarter (谈股论金) 675次阅读
观看【xiaosan】的博客Uber Burned Through Almost As Much Money As NASA Last Quarter
Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,
Uber reported yesterday that its NET LOSS totaled more than $700 million last quarter, despite pulling in a whopping $3.4 billion in revenue.
(This means they spent at least $4.1 billion!)
That’s the latest in a string of massive, 9-figure quarterly losses for the company.
The only question I have is– how much cocaine are these people buying?
Seriously, it’s REALLY HARD to spend so many billions of dollars.
You could have over 100,000 employees (‘real’ employees, not Uber drivers) and pay them $150,000 EACH and still not blow through that much money in a single quarter.
Even if you think about Research & Development, Uber still managed to burn through almost as much cash as NASA’s $4.8 billion budget last quarter.
The real irony is that this company is worth $70 BILLION.
And Uber is far from alone.
Netflix is also worth $70 billion; and like Uber, they can’t make money.
Over the last twelve months Netflix burned through over $1.7 billion in cash, and they made up for it by going deeper into debt.
The list goes on and on– Snapchat debuted with a $30 billion valuation after its IPO, only to subsequently report that they had lost $2.2 billion in the previous quarter.
Telecom company Sprint is still somehow worth more than $30 billion despite having over $40 billion in debt and burning through more than $6 billion over the last three years.
And then there’s Twitter, a rudderless, profitless company that is still worth over $13 billion.
This is pure insanity.
If companies that burn through obscene piles of cash and have no clear path to profitability are worth tens of billions of dollars, it seems like any business that’s cashflow positive should be worth TRILLIONS.
None of this makes any sense, and investing in this environment is nothing more than gambling.
Sure, it’s always possible these companies’ stock prices increase even more.
Maybe Netflix and Twitter quadruple despite continuing losses and debt accumulation. Maybe Bitcoin surges to $50,000 next month.
And maybe the Dallas Cowboys finally offer me the starting quarterback position next season.
Hey, anything could happen.
Call me old-fashioned, but I focus heavily on risk.
Remember Rule #1 in investing: don’t lose money. Rule #2? See rule #1.
It’s hard to abide by rules #1 and #2 if you buy expensive, popular investments that lose tons of money and don’t have a strategy to turn a profit.
There’s risk in EVERY investment. There’s risk in buying Apple stock. There’s risk in buying government bonds.
There’s risk in holding your money in a bank. There’s risk in stuffing cash under your mattress. There’s risk in doing nothing at all.
The idea is to invest where risk is low, while the potential for return is still high.
One of the best ways to do that is to patiently buy high quality assets for a deep discount.
Buying anything at a discount makes sense to anyone. People like discount clothes, discount cars, discount airfare.
Even in certain investments like real estate, investors look for bargains… like picking up a great home in a great neighborhood at a discount price because of the seller’s divorce or financial hardship.
But with stocks, this bias towards discounts tends to go out the window.
Granted, it’s a lot harder to find discount stocks these days given that just about EVERYTHING is in a bubble.
But if you have the right knowledge and you’re willing to put in the hard work and long hours, you’ll find hidden gems.
Do you have a Plan B?
We leave it to none other than Aswath Damodaran, infamous valuation guru and finance professor at New York University – who nailed Theranos by warning in 2015 of numerous red flags about the unicorn…
“Uber is a one-of-a-kind company, in good ways and bad ways. It’s going to be a case study… This is a cash-burning machine.”
And that Mr. Damodaran is what makes it worth $68 billion!!!???
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Life Plunge
- 6/2/2017 《每日资讯时事综述股市快报》 各位童鞋可以上传与股市相关的各种新闻传闻,当日交易提醒以及转发的名家每日复盘也请发在此版 - 新东, 2017-06-01
- 特朗普宣布将终止执行《巴黎气候变化协定》的所有条款,称协定牺牲美国就业,将开始谈判,尝试能否以对美国“公平”的协议重新加入,将努力确保美国的全球环境领袖地位。而德法意三国政府发布联合声明,称三国“坚信巴黎气候协定不容重新谈判”。特朗普宣布退出巴黎协定后,美国国内外掀起了批评声浪。特斯拉CEO马斯克宣布退出顾问性质的白宫委员会。 前FBI局长科米将于下周四在参议院情报委员会前作证。定于上午10点进行公开听证,下午将与委员会进行闭门会议。这将为特朗普解雇他一事提供更多信息。届时,全球市场或将再度波动支撑金价。 - 新东, 2017-06-01
- 周五重点关注: 8:30 美国5月非农就业人口变动、失业率、加拿大4月贸易帐。 12:45 美国费城联储主席Harker(2017年FOMC票委)谈论经济展望及经济增长计划。 1:00 美国油服贝克休斯发布石油钻井机周报。 - 新东, 2017-06-01
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- Good morning! c inside - osoyoos, 2017-06-02
- 奥迪早!谢谢!我下班后就加. - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 谢谢新东一如既往的资讯! - MagicBubble, 2017-06-02
- 早上好!MagicBubble,很高兴能看到老泡泡常出来冒一冒.你是最老的那比跟随雅歌老师的股友,欢迎常来. - 新东, 2017-06-02
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- Good morning! c inside - osoyoos, 2017-06-02
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- 小伞早!谢谢你提供的大量资信. - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 东东早!谢谢。今早没看到海豚,他的资讯我也是每日必看。海豚快来! - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 这是个病句,改错题。“他”改为“她”。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 哦哦,谢谢指正,你怎么什么都知道 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 我掐指算的。我只要摘了眼镜带上墨镜,就会算这些事情。改天我再算算你的初恋男友是谁。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 好,你要算准了,我栈里30个金币全划落给你,24k金的哦 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 我掐指算的。我只要摘了眼镜带上墨镜,就会算这些事情。改天我再算算你的初恋男友是谁。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 哦哦,谢谢指正,你怎么什么都知道 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 小伞:今天有点事没顾得上看新闻. 非常喜欢你每天Post的资讯.太谢谢啦! - Dolphin, 2017-06-02
- 海豚美眉好!谢谢!你的文章我也是每日必读,请多发! - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 海豚也来了,谢谢.有你们在,这块天地才更丰富多彩了. - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 在野猪 野狼乱跑的田野里问新东,
小伞,海豚和野猪美眉们致谢! - stone, 2017-06-02
- 回来后记得给我们讲讲主席是怎样上厕所的。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 肿么办?毛主席教导我们:人怎能被活活憋死呢? 没有条件创造条件也要上啊!哈哈哈 - stone, 2017-06-02
- 回来后记得给我们讲讲主席是怎样上厕所的。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 在野猪 野狼乱跑的田野里问新东,
小伞,海豚和野猪美眉们致谢! - stone, 2017-06-02
- 这是个病句,改错题。“他”改为“她”。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 东东早!谢谢。今早没看到海豚,他的资讯我也是每日必看。海豚快来! - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 小伞早!谢谢你提供的大量资信. - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 美国5月非农就业人口变动13.8万,预期18.2万,前值21.1万。
美国5月失业率4.3%,预期4.4%,前值4.4%。 - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 老师神算啊,nugt飚升,盘前没捞着,还好昨天的没抛 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 啊?老师也能算啊?!跟我抢生意? - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 二师弟改行了?媳妇同意了吗,你就改 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 野猪早!我今天不能上微信,如有空请将老师的重要消息转发到微信群里.谢谢! - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 好的。放心。 - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 啊?老师也能算啊?!跟我抢生意? - Boars, 2017-06-02
- 老师神算啊,nugt飚升,盘前没捞着,还好昨天的没抛 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 美国4月贸易帐-476亿美元,预期-461亿美元,前值-437亿美元修正为-453亿美元。 - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 这数据也不如预期,对Q2 GDP是负面影响!贸易赤字扩大会减低GDP。进口金额会从GDP减掉。 - 雅歌, 2017-06-02
- Total Vehicle Sales 5月份实际是16.66M,市场预期 17.00M,四月份的数据 16.88M。 这数据其实很差,去年此时是17.5M的年度化增量。最主要是比四月份差,那么Q2 的GDP的增长怎么能够到3.5%呢?俺严重怀疑华尔街估计GDP的能力! - 雅歌, 2017-06-02
- 美国5月私营部门就业人口+14.7万,预期+17.5万,前值+19.4万修正为+17.3万。 美国5月制造业就业人口-0.1万,预期+0.5万,前值+0.6万修正为+1.1万。 08:30 美国5月平均每小时工资环比0.2%,预期0.2%,前值0.3%修正为0.2%。 美国5月平均每小时工资同比2.5%,预期2.6%,前值2.5%。 美国5月平均每周工时34.4小时,预期34.4小时,前值34.4小时。 - 新东, 2017-06-02
- 【周五美股盘前你需要了解的全球资讯】 美国5月新增非农就业人口13.8万,大幅不及预期,前两个月新增就业人数也明显下修。 美国5月失业率进一步下滑至4.3%,创十六年新低;但劳动力参与率下降。 美国4月贸易逆差扩大至476亿美元,逆差规模大于预期。 非农报告远不及预期,美元、美债收益率大跌,黄金大涨约10美元。 国际油价一度大跌3%,美国退出巴黎气候协定引发供应过剩担忧。 日本央行资产负债规模突破500万亿日元,即将超过美联储。 媒体:美国加州州长将与中方商议,连接加州和中国的碳交易市场。 日经225指数收涨1.6%,突破两万点关口,并触及近两年高位。沪指涨0.1%,恒指涨0.4%。 关注稍晚的美国上周石油钻井数据、美联储Harker、Kaplan的讲话等。 - 新东, 2017-06-02
- Larry Williams 2017 forecast - Dolphin, 2017-06-02
- 海豚,我在电脑和手机里都打不开链接,不知道是什么问题 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 把链接copy,然后paste到search中search.直接click 链接不行,我也不知道为什么. - Dolphin, 2017-06-02
- 才发现这个链接是在local c盘上的,也就是你自己电脑上的路径,并不是互联网上的地址,这应该就是别人都打不开的原因了 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 把链接copy,然后paste到search中search.直接click 链接不行,我也不知道为什么. - Dolphin, 2017-06-02
- 海豚,我在电脑和手机里都打不开链接,不知道是什么问题 - xiaosan, 2017-06-02
- 【美国石油钻井机连增20周,至2015年4月份以来新高】 美国油服贝克休斯:美国6月2日当周石油钻井数增加11台,至733台。 美国6月2日当周天然气钻井数减少3台,至182台;6月2日当周总钻井数增加8台,至916台。 (华尔街见闻7x24直播 不止是快) https://wallstreetcn.com/live/us-stock - 新东, 2017-06-02