- AI会颠覆哪些行业 李彦宏:制造业汽车业健康业 - 冰川, 2016-08-27
- 谢谢冰川! - 雅歌, 2016-08-28
- 同谢! - ginger L, 2016-08-28
- 谢谢不断为论坛添砖加瓦。 - 东新, 2016-08-28
- Baidu's best part is a copying cat, lol. AI's best potential is nursing and cooking application. Over time, you will see the urbanization will fade away, making the large metro area to be decentralized, it is a good opportunity to sell the commercial properties NOW, and reinvest in the technologies and those small university towns... - osoyoos, 2016-08-31
- 很有启发。谢谢。 - Obamalin8, 2016-09-01
- 谢谢冰川! - 雅歌, 2016-08-28